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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Status on Audrey

I really do feel bad that Audrey turned out to be my learning plant.  On one hand, I appreciate the many lessons she's taught me, and how I have been forced to reeducate myself on Orchid care.  But, on the other hand, I feel awful about all the stupid mistakes I have made along the way.  I believe by next year, if I can get her to bloom for me, the delicate little flowers will last much longer. 

Yesterday, a receiving my supplies I had ordered online, I repotted Petaluma at home in her new pot.  However, I still need to get a bottle that will allow me to mix the MSU Feed Me! liquid fertilizer I will be using.  I will need to ration the diluted solution between the 2 plants and bring some in with me from home in a much smaller container.

I also began working on my own customized version of and Orchid Calendar so I can keep track of when to feed stronger dosages, and when to reduce feeding or provide less moisture, etc.  This way, I can also track the last time the plants bloomed, were repotted, when I need to start using the humifier, and in the winter, eventually, the grow lights.  It's still a work in progress, but here it is:

This morning, additional blooms have fallen off, but she still has a few left.  Once she's done with her flowers, I will cut both spikes down to the base.  This seems like a scary proposition for an inexperienced grower, like me, but I am going to try it out since this is what is best for the plant overall.

The number of flowers is dwindling, but there are still a few good ones left

Roots are nice and plump, green, and very healthy

Foliage has a nice color to it although a little on the dry side for my taste

I really do have to work on hydrating that bark mix more.  Because it was never soaked prior to being used, it does not retain the moisture as long as it should.  I can definitely see the difference now that I can compare with how Petaluma is doing at home.  For now, I will keep watering as often as possible without overwatering.  I am just thankful she has taken this all in stride and is doing quite nicely!

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