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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Liquid Kelp

Lately, my curiosity about liquid kelp enhancers has been increasing the more I see it mentioned on orchid forums.  The claims are that not only does it feed the plants naturally, but also aids the plant in becoming more resistant to conditions that may be less than ideal, such as higher thresholds of humidity and/or temperature.  I had seen it at my favorite gardening store, Jamali's.  So, when I went to purchase Snow White earlier this week, I picked up a bottle of Neptune's Harvest Organic Seaweed Plant Food:

This morning, I prepared a gallon of the diluted solution and generously watered each plant.  The thing with this type of potion is that once it is mixed, it should be used the same day.  It is not meant to be stored like other chemically based solutions.  I first generously watered each plant, and then I let that initial water drain out.   Then, I used the liquid kelp solution and generously poured it into the media and let it pour out the bottom of each pot.

When I was finished, I replaced the plants back in their original location.  Marilyn seemed to have really enjoyed her watering.  After about an hour or so, she perked up quite a bit.  I would definitely say that this initial treatment was definitely a success.  I will have to wait and see to gauge the success rate on the other claims the product is used for.

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