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Sunday, June 16, 2013

I am TOTALLY Cheating on Audrey!

So, lately I have been seriously thinking about getting another orchid, but talked myself out of it.  So many reasons why not; the cats, the lighting at home, our past history with plants, and the list goes on.  But, I have been doing well with Audrey so I began feeling that maybe it wasn't such a horrible idea after all.

This passed Friday, a friend at work coincidentally wanted to go to a Martial Arts supplier, and of all places, it was 2 blocks away from the Plant District, and to add insult to injury, we had to walk along all the plant shops in order to get to our intended destination.  As you may have guessed already, the temptation was too great.  However, I did promise myself that unless I found exactly what I was looking for, I would not buy anything.  I had been eye-ing a Phal Fortune Saltzman (a.k.a. Maple Bridge) online:

As long as I was only cyber window shopping, it was ok.  I would lurk the orchid sites without consequence, but in real life, that is another story.  I really didn't think I was going to find anything even remotely similar, but after going into several shops and not seeing anything that caught my eye, I found a noID Green Phalaenopsis with very similar coloring.  I cannot certify its genetic makeup, but it looks pretty much the same, and that is good enough for me.  World, meet Petaluma, the newest member of our household:

At the shop, I took my time; I inspected roots, leaves, and looked for plants which still had unopened blooms, hence why I selected this particular one:

and a look at the leaves:

I must admit that I found the foliage a bit darker than I would like.  However, she was all the way in the back at the plant store and was most definitely not receiving as much sunlight as the ones closer to the front of the display.  This would also explain why a couple of the flowers were facing in the opposite direction, but a change in environment should remedy that.

I ordered a Orchitop Carousel pot from  Yes, it was a bit pricey, but since I am not growing massive amounts of plants, it's not so taxing on the wallet.  I also ordered some Feed Me! MSU Orchid Fertilizer to start a fertilizing regimen for both Audrey and Petaluma.

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